Welcome to Uno 220


About ME

Uno 220 is a brand, skilled in entertainment full circle. Building this brand began in 2012 when Uno started as a solo female lyricist writing and sometimes producing songs. Through collaborations and networking, Uno gained hands on experience in co producing B list motion pictures and music videos. This multi talented artist found time to write articles for Fame Up Magazine, develop an entertainment company, build an upscale salon with a unique operating system, write a book, co produce films, design and propel two clothing brands all hands on in the most creative ways. More than an entrepreneur business woman, Uno 220 is headed for record breaking success. Moving a few of her projects from the development stage into producing to the world all within weeks of the other is a phenomenal accomplishment. With a mind that won’t quit, it’s no question there will be more from Uno 220 to come.

Uno 220

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